Sung Jin Park (ext.)

Masters of Arts

Research Interests

  • Memory politics
  • Post-conflict transitional justice and international human rights
  • Child soldiers in violent conflicts
  • Regional focus: Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia (Korea, Japan, and China)

Dissertation Project: Politics of Memory in Post-conflict Societies

Curriculum Vitae

  • 10/2022 - present:
    • Doctoral candidate at the Institute for Political Science / Chair of International Relations
    • MA Program IOCM (International Organization and Conflict Management) Summer School 2024 Director - Chair of International Relations, Institute for Political Science
    • Guest Lecture & Early Career Workshop (ECW) Coordinator at the Institute for Political Science / Chair of International Relations
  • 05/2020 - 02/2022:  Research Assistant at the Department of Political Science & International Relations - Korea University
  • 03/2020 – 08/2022: Postgraduate Degree (MA) in International Relations at Korea University (South Korea)
  • 03/2013 – 02/2020: Undergraduate Degree (BA) in Area Studies (major: Japanese Area Studies), Undergraduate Degree (BA) in Northeast Asian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea)


  • 3/2024: Early Career Workshop of the Chair of International Relations - Volkenroda, Germany - Organizer
    Presentation: The Social Reintegration of Child Soldiers: Questioning the Passive Victim Image
  • 9/2023: Early Career Workshop of the Chair of International Relations, FSU Jena
    Presentation: Politics of Memory in Post-conflict Societies
  • 8/2023:  The 4 th Annual IARS World Conference on Reconciliation, Kibuye, Rwanda 
    Presentation: The 'Victim Image' and its Impact on Child Soldier Reintegration: Evidence from Sierra Leone Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Campaign
  • 3/2023 : Early Career Workshop of the Chair of International Relations, FSU Jena
    Presentation: The 'Victim Image' and the Child Soldier Reintegration: Evidence from Sierra Leone Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Campaign
  • 10/2022 : Early Career Workshop of the Chair of International Relations - FSU Jena 


  • Park, Sung Jin. (2022). How do international campaigns for child soldiers affect their social reintegration? (MA thesis). Graduate School, Korea University

Teaching Experience:

  • Summer Term 2024: International Human Rights and Armed Conflict (Advanced BA Seminar)
  • 29 June 2023: Guest talk “The 'Victimhood' Dilemma of Child Soldiers: Conflicting Legal Norms, Interests, and Powers” ​​at MA Seminar 'Between power and morality – debating the ethics of peace and conflict' by Prof. Dr. Rafael Biermann, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • 17 May 2023: Guest talk “Explaining Korean Success: Overcoming Postwar Poverty through Inclusive Political and Economic Institutions” at MA Seminar 'Competitive regionalism and order contestation in Eastern Europe and Eurasia' by Dr. Bidzina Lebanidze, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Thesis supervision: Margvelashvili, Salome (2023) – MA Thesis, Exploring Structural Conditions for Volunteer Participation in Policy-making: A Study on Global South Volunteer Organizations Involved in Development Aid (Ongoing project) (First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rafael Biermann, Second Supervisor: Sung Jin Park MA) 

Further Qualifications

  • Languages: Korean, Japanese, English
  • Kwanjeong Educational Foundation (KEF) overseas scholarship holder