Advisory Board


Functions and Institutions
Dr. Thomas Bagger

German Ambassador in Warszaw                                                                        Diplomat & Diplomatic Adviser
Federal President's OfficeLearn moreExternal link

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker 

Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies
Center for Conflict Studies (CCS)
University of Marburg
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Prof. Dr. Rebecca Bryant

Professor of Cultural Anthropology
University of Utrecht
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Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich

Professor of International Politics and Foreign Policy
University of Trier
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Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich

Professor of International Integration
University of Giessen 
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever

Professor of Peace Studies and International Politics
University of Tübingen
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Prof. Dr. Michael Lipson

Associate Professor of Political Science
Concordia University of Montreal
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Oeter

Professor for German and Comparative Public Law and Public International Law and Director of the Institute of International Affairs
University of Hamburg
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolff

Professor of International Security
University of Birmingham
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