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  1. A photo of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping
    Image: The Guardian
  2. Logo of Territory, Politics, Governance journal
    Image: Routledge
  3. Logo of Territory, Politics, Governance journal
    Image: Routledge
  4. Map of Bougainville
    Image: Raffanumber24
  5. Photo of Rapallo
    Image: linfer3 on Pixabay
  6. Authors’ Workshop on Patron-Client Relationships in World Politics in the Dornburg Castle
    Image: FSU Jena
  7. Public lecture at FSU Jena
    Image: FSU Jena
  8. Podcast stock image
    Image: Mic Johnson LP
  9. Gaza Lecture header
    Image: FSU Jena
  10. ECW Sping 2024
    Image: Geza Tasner
  11. Bridge of Mostar
    Image: Creative Common | pixabay
  12. Logo of Territory, Politics, Governance journal
    Image: Routledge
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