ECW Sping 2024

Early Career Workshop - Spring 2024

Volkenroda - 14-16 March 2024
ECW Sping 2024
Image: Geza Tasner


The 2024 sping edition of the annual Early Career Workshop by the Chair of International Relations of FSU Jena was hosted in the Volkenroda Monastery between 14-16 March 2024. The event's goal was to bring together young researchers and provide an opportunity to present and discuss PhD dissertation projects. The participants represented a wide spectrum of research interest and sessions were delivered on topics such as the politics of memory, US-Vietnam reconciliation, patron-client relationships in secessionist conflicts, civil society patronage in Bougainville, and discourse resilience in the face of the foreign agent law in Georgia. Together, there were seven panels focusing on the provision of feedback for the presenters on their research and on engaging the audience in an exchange of ideas regarding theoretical and methodological approaches. Some of the participants stayed onsite in the picturesque village of Volkenroda. Those present in person had the opportunity in the evenings to socialize and enjoy the wine selection of the monastery’s cellars. The event was chaired by Prof. Dr. Rafael Biermann and organizer by Sungjin Park.

ECW Sping 2024

Image: Geza Tasner