Our Chair has been central to the revitalized patron-client relations research program in International Relations. An important milestone of this quest has been the publication of a special issue focusing on secessionist conflicts and movements. The publication that is out now in Territory, Politics, Governance journal is the result of several years of hard work with the contribution of many colleagues. We are happy to announce that it is now available online. Two people form our Chair contributed to the special issue. Rafael Biermann penned the editorial and the first article titled Conceptualizing Patron-Client Relations in Secessionist Conflict, A Research Agenda. Christopher Brucker, our Research Fellow wrote a case study piece testing his concept. The title of his article is The Biafra Lobby: International Civil Society Patronage in the Biafran Secession Conflict, 1967–70.
Other contributors include but not limited to Pål Kolstø, and Helge Blakkisrud from the University of Oslo; Kristel Vits from the University of Tartu; and Kamaran Palani from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The publication is available via the following link:
https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rtep20/13/1?nav=tocListExternal link