Dr. Carolina Rehrmann

Research Interests


  • Conflict Analysis at the interface of Political Science, Social Psychology and Anthropology
  • Alternative Approaches to Conflict Resolution with a focus on Critical Discourse Theory, Gender Studies, Emotions and Identities
  • Reconciliation and Transitional Justice
  • Ethno-Nationalism and Intractability
  • Collective Memory
  • South-East Europe
  • Greek-Turkish Relations
  • Cyprus Conflict
  • Middle East Conflict

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 10/2017: Post-Doc at the Chair for International Relations and Executive Manager of the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies
  • 01/2018: Defence of PhD
  • since 04/2016: Research Assistant at the Department for International Relations and the Jena Center for Reconcilation (Prof. Leiner)
  • since 10/2011: Ph.D. Student at Friedrich Schiller University with a Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Scholarship
  • 10/ 2001 – 07/ 2009: Magistra Artium: Englisch, German and Italian Philology at Kassel University, area of expertise: cultural identities, Europe-studies, ethnic minorities. Thesis on: The Conflict on Cyprus Background, Chances and Perspectives 

A more detailed Curriculum Vitae can be downloaded as PDFpdf, 381 kb · de


  • Rehrmann, Carolina; Dahlgruen, Corinna; Zempelburg, André (eds.) (2021), Overcome Evil with Good. Interdisciplinary Reflections from Theology, Conflict Science, and the Military, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina (2019), Der Zypernkonflikt. Eine sozialpsychologische Diskursanalyse [The Cyprus Conflict: A socio-psychological discourse analysis], Springer, Berlin.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina (2019), Refugee Discourses in Germany and Greece: Between Humanitarian Action, European Disputes and National Populism, in: Leiner, M., Dajani, A., Barakat, Z. & Tacchini, D. (Ed.), Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen.
  • Rehrmann Carolina (2019), „Deferal of hope, projection of evil: Missing persons as a root metaphor of intractability“, in Corinna Dahlgrün and Volker Stümke (ed.), Overcoming evil with good, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina and Tim Bausch (2018), Gewalt, Geschlecht und Militär. Die Bundeswehr auf feministischen Terrain? [Violence, sex, and the military. The German Bundeswehr on feminist terrain?] in: W&S Wissenschaft und Frieden 3 [Journal of Science and Peace].
  • Rehrmann, Carolina (2017), Reconciliation: Challenges, Prospects and inherent Contradictions, in: Biermann, R & Rehrmann, C, Tolliday, P (eds.), Societies in Transition. The Caucasus and the Balkans between Conflict and Reconciliation, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina, Rafael Biermann & Phillip Tolliday (eds.), Societies in Transition. The Caucasus and the Balkans between Conflict and Reconciliation, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina (2017), Made for goodnes? Women, conflict and reconciliation, in Leiner, M/Schließer C. (Hg.), Alternative Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Palgrave Macmilan.
  • Rehrmann, Carolina (2013), Über die Beharrlichkeit konstruierter Grenzen, Paper präsentiert auf dem 45. Kolloquium des Arbeitskreises Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in der Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing.


  • December 2018: Attendance at „Histories and Rythms of Urban Violence: Global-Local Encounters in the Nexus of Space and Time“ with presentation „Nicosia – Lefkoşa – Λευκωσία: An Urban Miniature of the Cyprus Conflict“, University of Erfurt, Germany.
  • Forum Erinnerung & Bildung. Orte des Terrors und Gedenkens in Griechenland [Forum of memory and education. Places of Terror and commemoration in Greece] in Lechovo (Greece), 19.-23 May 2016
  • Presentation at 7th Midterm Conference on Emotions in Stockholm, 25.- 27. August 2016, Title: With cool head? Emotions in intercommunal conflicts The Case of Cyprus

Teaching Experiences

  • HS: Needs, Emotions, Ideas: Understanding the Post-Truth Era (SS 2017)
  • PS: Introduction to Social Psychology from an International Relations Perspective (WS 2016/17)
  • HS: War_Peace! Man Women? Gender perspectives in peace and conflict (SS 2016)
  • United in multiculturalism or the clash of civilizations? Reconciliation in and with Europe (SS 2016)
  • PS: 26 after the fall of the Berlin Wall (SS 2015)
  • PS: Crisis German-Greece relations in public media (WS 2014/15)
  • PS: Cyprus Background and perspectives from a nationalist identity conflict (SS 2014)
  • HS: Ideas, Emotions, Identities: Theory of Reconciliation applied to Cyprus and Isreal/Palestine (WS 2014/15)

Ph.D. project

The Cyprus Conflict a Socio-Psychological Discourse Analysis

In her PhD Dr. Rehrmann has undertaken a discourse analysis of the Cyprus Conflict in socio-psychological perspective.
Drawing on the driving forces of intractable conflicts - she defines them as heavily relating to five interwoven fields: identities, emotions, discourses, memories and nationalism - she looks into Cyprus´ troubled past, and its reflections in mutually exclusive collective memories, oral histories, media, education and peace activism with the aim of showing the self-perpeuating mechanisms of the conflict.

More Details