Toulouse 2023
Image: Geza TasnerOur Patron-Client Relationships in World Politics workshop in Toulouse was an absolute success. The event was part of the European Consortium for Political Research's ( ECPR ) Joint Sessions of Workshops event hosted by the Sciences Po Toulouse between April 25-28, 2023. We were especially happy that scholars from multiple sub-disciplines within International Relations ( IR ) and beyond participated in our session and brought in new issue areas for the patron-client framework such as surrogate warfare and international aid. We had fitful, and sometimes passionate discussions among others about issues with the conceptualization of patron-client ties, particularly regarding some of the debated constitutive features such as affectivity. During the four days of the workshop we discussed ten projects and had three brainstorming sessions.One of the afternoons we enjoyed a guided city tour together in the beautiful spring weather of Soutern France.
The workshop in Toulouse was inspired by the success of our workshop on patron-client relations in world politics at the 9th European Workshops of International Studies by the European International Studies Association ( July 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece ).
The subpage of our workshop at the website of ECPR and the program of our workshop is available via the below links:
Patron-Client Relations in World Politics ( ecpr.eu )External link